How to create a Strong Password & beat Hackers

From: Kinex Media web design toronto firm
A lot of important factors should be noticed while generating a password. In this high tech era, it is essential to create strong passwords to keep your data safe. From checking Instagram and emails to accessing phone banking, everything is done online. So if your password is weak, you’re risking your security.
Many of us put some random memorable numbers or words in our password. This method is usually done for easy access and to preventing forgetting the numbers. But have you ever thought if it’s easy for you, it will be easy for the hackers as well? So you must generate a strong password. With the help of password generators, you can create and modify your accounts quickly and effortlessly. These are a few easy tips that you can do to create a strong password.
  1. Use of Extras!
Usage of mere sentences is not enough. The password should consist of an upper case, lower case, numbers, and punctuation marks.
  1. Length of passwords
Another method is creating long passwords using password generators. If you use uncommon words, then chances are there, that you might forget them all of a sudden. So if that is a typical sentence you use, it is easy to remember. Just like “I painted my fence green.”
  1. Nothing personal!
Yes! This is a significant fact that most of us do. Using personal details as passwords is not a good idea. Avoiding names, birthdays, emails, and hobbies would be good.
  1. Avoid repetition
Using the same password more often in every place is not a good idea. When you access banking facilities and other sensitive information, you should choose a unique password. Not the ones you have been using for all your social media accounts!
  1. Random ones
Random words or sentences are yet other secure passwords. It helps if you remember sentences like, “I met Janice at the mall.” These are easy to remember, and no one will ever guess these types of sentences.
  1. No dictionary!
Words in the dictionary will not be a good idea for a password. The words you will find in a dictionary is easy to crack for hackers. Modern hackers even have a pre-arranged list of dictionary words that can be your password! So it is better to keep simple words off your list. Alternatively, you can generate long non-sense phrases and sentences.
  1. Passphrases
This is another idea you can use while generating a password. Phishing and data breach are quite common these days. So we must keep ourselves safe from fraudulent activities. It would be best if you think twice before opening an unknown mail or message or even before attending a call.
  1. Social media concerns
Social media and privacy leakage are significant concerns nowadays. Most of the apps we have been using are super unsafe! Even though they have a privacy and data protection policy, we should do our part right. It would be much better for your Facebook, Instagram, and social media accounts with different passwords.
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